Horse Products and Services Articles

Welcome to’s Showcase of Innovative, Quality Horse Products.    Here we have the latest and greatest in Horse Stalls, Equine Fencing, Ranch Supplies, Horse Waterinig and Feeders, Barn Builders, Equine Supplements, Equestrian Gifts etc.

Tack is a piece of equipment or accessory equipped on horses in the course of their use as domesticated animals. Saddles, stirrups, bridles, halters, reins, bits, harnesses, martingales, and breastplates are all forms of horse tack. Equipping a horse is often referred to as tacking up. A room to store such equipment, usually near or in a stable, is a tack room.

Saddles are seats for the rider, fastened to the horse’s back by means of a girth (English-style riding), known as a cinch in the Western US, a wide strap that goes around the horse at a point about four inches behind the forelegs. Some western saddles will also have a second strap known as a flank or back cinch that fastens at the rear of the saddle and goes around the widest part of the horse’s belly.[1]

It is important that the saddle be comfortable for both the rider and the horse as an improperly fitting saddle may create pressure points on the horse’s back muscle (Latissimus dorsi) and cause the horse pain and can lead to the horse, rider, or both getting injured.

There are many types of saddle, each specially designed for its given task. Saddles are usually divided into two major categories: “English saddles” and “Western saddles” according to the riding discipline they are used in. Other types of saddles, such as racing saddles, Australian saddles, sidesaddles and endurance saddles do not necessarily fit neatly in either category.[1]

Saddle accessories


Stirrups are supports for the rider’s feet that hang down on either side of the saddle. They provide greater stability for the rider but can have safety concerns due to the potential for a rider’s feet to get stuck in them. If a rider is thrown from a horse but has a foot caught in the stirrup, they could be dragged if the horse runs away. To minimize this risk, a number of safety precautions are taken. First, most riders wear riding boots with a heel and a smooth sole. Next, some saddles, particularly English saddles, have safety bars that allow a stirrup leather to fall off the saddle if pulled backwards by a falling rider. Other precautions are done with stirrup design itself. Western saddles have wide stirrup treads that make it more difficult for the foot to become trapped. A number of saddle styles incorporate a tapedero, which is covering over the front of the stirrup that keeps the foot from sliding all the way through the stirrup. The English stirrup (or “iron”) has several design variations which are either shaped to allow the rider’s foot to slip out easily or are closed with a very heavy rubber band.[2] The invention of stirrups was of great historic significance in mounted combat, giving the rider secure foot support while on horseback.


A nylon halter/headcollar

Bridles, hackamores, halters or headcollars, and similar equipment consist of various arrangements of straps around the horse’s head, and are used for control and communication with the animal.


A halter (US) or headcollar (UK) (occasionally headstall) consists of a noseband and headstall that buckles around the horse’s head and allows the horse to be led or tied. The lead rope is separate, and it may be short (from six to ten feet, two to three meters) for everyday leading and tying, or much longer (up to 25 feet (7.6 m), eight meters) for tasks such as for leading packhorses or for picketing a horse out to graze.

Some horses, particularly stallions, may have a chain attached to the lead rope and placed over the nose or under the jaw to increase the control provided by a halter while being led. Most of the time, horses are not ridden with a halter, as it offers insufficient precision and control. Halters have no bit.[3]

In Australian and British English, a halter is a rope with a spliced running loop around the nose and another over the poll, used mainly for unbroken horses or for cattle. The lead rope cannot be removed from the halter. A show halter is made from rolled leather and the lead attaches to form the chinpiece of the noseband. These halters are not suitable for paddock usage or in loose stalls. An underhalter is a lightweight halter or headcollar which is made with only one small buckle, and can be worn under a bridle for tethering a horse without untacking.


Bridles usually have a bit attached to reins and are used for riding and driving horses.[4]

An English bridle with cavesson noseband

English Bridles have a cavesson style noseband and are seen in English riding. Their reins are buckled to one another, and they have little adornment or flashy hardware.[4]

Western Bridles used in Western riding usually have no noseband, are made of thin bridle leather. They may have long, separated “Split” reins or shorter closed reins, which sometimes include an attached Romal. Western bridles are often adorned with silver or other decorative features.[4]

Double bridles are a type of English bridle that use two bits in the mouth at once, a snaffle and a curb. The two bits allow the rider to have very precise control of the horse. As a rule, only very advanced horses and riders use double bridles. Double bridles are usually seen in the top levels of dressage, but also are seen in certain types of show hack and Saddle seat competition.[5]

Hackamores and other bitless designs

A bosal hackamore

A hackamore is a headgear that utilizes a heavy noseband of some sort, rather than a bit, most often used to train young horses or to go easy on an older horse’s mouth. Hackamores are more often seen in western riding.[5] Some related styles of headgear that control a horse with a noseband rather than a bit are known as bitless bridles.

The word “hackamore” is derived from the Spanish word jáquima. Hackamores are seen in western riding disciplines, as well as in endurance riding and English riding disciplines such as show jumping and the stadium phase of eventing. While the classic bosal-style hackamore is usually used to start young horses, other designs, such as various bitless bridles and the mechanical hackamore are often seen on mature horses with dental issues that make bit use painful, horses with certain training problems, and on horses with mouth or tongue injuries. Some riders also like to use them in the winter to avoid putting a frozen metal bit into a horse’s mouth.[6]

Like bitted bridles, noseband-based designs can be gentle or harsh, depending on the hands of the rider. It is a myth that a bit is cruel and a hackamore is gentler. The horse’s face is very soft and sensitive with many nerve endings. Misuse of a hackamore can cause swelling on the nose, scraping on the nose and jawbone, and extreme misuse may cause damage to the bones and cartilage of the horse’s head.

Other headgear[edit]

A longeing cavesson (UK: lungeing) is a special type of halter or noseband used for longeing a horse. Longeing is the activity of having a horse walk, trot and/or canter in a large circle around the handler at the end of a rope that is 25 to 30 feet (9.1 m) long. It is used for training and exercise.[7]


Reins consist of leather straps or rope attached to the outer ends of a bit and extend to the rider’s or driver’s hands. Reins are the means by which a horse rider or driver communicates directional commands to the horse’s head. Pulling on the reins can be used to steer or stop the horse. The sides of a horse’s mouth are sensitive, so pulling on the reins pulls the bit, which then pulls the horse’s head from side to side, which is how the horse is controlled.[8]

On some types of harnesses there might be supporting rings to carry the reins over the horse’s back. When pairs of horses are used in drawing a wagon or coach it is usual for the outer side of each pair to be connected to reins and the inside of the bits connected by a short bridging strap or rope. The driver carries “four-in-hand” or “six-in-hand” being the number of reins connecting to the pairs of horses.

A rein may be attached to a halter to lead or guide the horse in a circle for training purposes or to lead a packhorse, but a simple lead rope is more often used for these purposes. A longe line is sometimes called a “longe rein,” but it is actually a flat line about 30 feet (9.1 m) long, usually made of nylon or cotton web, about one inch wide, thus longer and wider than even a driving rein.[9]

Horses should never be tied by the reins. Not only do they break easily, but, being attached to a bit in the horse’s sensitive mouth, a great deal of pain can be inflicted if a bridled horse sets back against being tied.


A pelham bit with a jointed mouthpiece

A bit is a device placed in a horse’s mouth, kept on a horse’s head by means of a headstall. There are many types, each useful for specific types of riding and training.[10]

The mouthpiece of the bit does not rest on the teeth of the horse, but rather rests on the gums or “bars” of the horse’s mouth in an interdental space behind the front incisors and in front of the back molars. It is important that the style of bit is appropriate to the horse’s needs and is fitted properly for it to function properly and be as comfortable as possible for the horse.[11]

a curb and snaffle bit shown together on a double bridle

The basic “classic” styles of bits are:

While there are literally hundreds of types of bit mouthpieces, bit rings and bit shanks, essentially there are really only two broad categories: direct pressure bits, broadly termed snaffle bits; and leverage bits, usually termed curbs.

Bits that act with direct pressure on the tongue and lips of the bit are in the general category of snaffle bits. Snaffle bits commonly have a single jointed mouthpiece and act with a nutcracker effect on the bars, tongue and occasionally roof of the mouth. However, regardless of mouthpiece, any bit that operates only on direct pressure is a “snaffle” bit.[12]

Leverage bits have shanks coming off the mouthpiece to create leverage that applies pressure to the poll, chin groove and mouth of the horse are in the category of curb bits. Any bit with shanks that works off of leverage is a “curb” bit, regardless of whether the mouthpiece is solid or jointed.

Some combination or hybrid bits combine direct pressure and leverage, such as the Kimblewick or Kimberwicke, which adds slight leverage to a two-rein design that resembles a snaffle;[13] and the four rein designs such as the single mouthpiece Pelham bit and the double bridle, which places a curb and a snaffle bit simultaneously in the horse’s mouth.[14]

In the wrong hands even the mildest bit can hurt the horse. Conversely, a very severe bit, in the right hands, can transmit subtle commands that cause no pain to the horse. Bit commands should be given with only the quietest movements of the hands, and much steering and stopping should be done with the legs and seat.

Looking for a REAL Dude Ranch Vacation?

Looking for a REAL Dude Ranch Vacation?

If you are looking for an all-inclusive family vacation adventure that your family will never forget, you need to consider Colorado Trails Guest Ranch, set in the in the beautiful in the San Juan Mountains.   This fun-filled dude ranch experience will create new friends, family togetherness and oh so many wonderful memories. The Best Way to Experience the San Juan Mountains. Horseback riding in Colorado is an incredibly unique way to experience the terrain. Discovering the vast mountain ranges, riding alongside a creek, or loping across a meadow – it’s easy to feel like you’re in a movie or fairy…
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Super Scooper Horse Manure Management and Pickup

Super Scooper Horse Manure Management and Pickup

Horse Manure Management Super Scooper is horse manure management that saves time and effort. Healthier horses and healthier pastures. Spend time riding not picking.  Super Scooper was invented in Australia and won a national inventors contest.  A great deal of engineering went into it's design and construction.  Certain areas are heavily welded and reinforced.  The metal is galvanized and the entire unit is powder coated.  A fixed heavy milled metal blade runs across the the front of hte unit lifting objects off of the ground. The Super scooper was designed for the horse owner on 5-10 acres to help keep up…
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Horse Fencing 101 ~ by Windriver Fence

Horse Fencing 101 ~ by Windriver Fence

Article by WindRiver Fence It is my intention in this brief article to touch on a few of the more popular types of horse fencing and offer the pros and cons of each type. One could probably teach or take a semester long course on fencing. There are nearly as many types and brands of fences as there are breeds of horses. First and foremost livestock fences are meant to contain the movement of the livestock.  We all know that critters both equine and bovine have a way of thwarting these efforts. How many of us have received a…
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Let Big Sprinkler help you keep the dust down

Let Big Sprinkler help you keep the dust down

Commercial Grade Sprinkler Systems for Pasture Watering and Dust Control   Big is a source for those "hard to find" pasture watering commercial grade sprinkler heads, pumps, and accessories not available in local stores. Our wheeled sprinkler carts are an affordable solution for irrigating larger areas such as gardens, yards, playgrounds, sports fields, horse riding arenas, and much more!  Booster pumps and pre-made hose kits are also available so you can create your own irrigation system in minutes. Using Water for Dust Suppression If you manage an equestrian facility, you are concerned about dust control. Equestrian instructors, trainers, and animals can…
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Low dust, Pine Flakes & Pelleted Horse Stall Bedding

Low dust, Pine Flakes & Pelleted Horse Stall Bedding

Guardian Horse Bedding Premium Pine horse stall bedding. Triple screened for dust control we offer a variety of products. Swift Pick mini flake, Gold Small Flake, Traditional flake and our premium pelleted bedding. We ship to most of the US, Canada and around the world from our 10 plants in North America. Dealer inquiries are welcome. A few more reasons to trust the horse bedding experts. Horse bedding, whether pine shavings or pine pellets is one of the greatest expenses for any horse farm owner. As stable owners ourselves, we recognize the importance of reducing animal bedding costs while maintaining…
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Keep the dust down with hi-tech arena watering solutions!

Keep the dust down with hi-tech arena watering solutions!

If you have an arena, you know how important arena watering can be in maintaining moisture content and creating a safe, rideable and workable arena footing, not to mention dust control! — Micro Rain arena watering systems  have put to use the latest innovation in arena watering technology to create a labor free solution to watering dusty arenas! Horse owners have experimented for years with different methods of watering. Hand watering, stationary sprinklers, cumbersome water trucks, fence top sprinklers, and other methods are many times less than adequate and can be eliminated with the Micro Rain system. With staff members knowledgeable…
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Porta-Grazer TM Natural Grazing Slow Feeder / Soaker

Porta-Grazer TM Natural Grazing Slow Feeder / Soaker

Porta-Grazer tm Natural Grazing Slow Feeder / Soaker Porta-Grazer ™ comes with several options to choose from whether you need a Mini, XL, Corner Feeder, or a Soaker with auto shut off. All models include a drain plug. Different pan hole sizes to choose from to insure the best fit for your equines needs Second Only To Nature Approved, Owned and Sold by Veterinarians and Equine Dentists! See for yourself why stabled horses prefer Porta-Grazer™ over other feeding methods. No More Messy Hay Nets!! Hay nets are wasteful, and even if your horse does eat the hay that lands on…
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Travel N Horse Corrals – portable horse corrals

Travel N Horse Corrals – portable horse corrals

AFFORDABLE HORSE CORRALS Safe, Spacious & Easy to Assemble Travel N Corrals Manufacture Warranty Travel N Corrals feature portable panels that are very lightweight and easy to assemble. We have taken great care and testing to insure the construction of the panels and the assembly mechanisms to interlock the panels to make spacious corrals that are safe and comfortable for your horse. Our Travel N Corrals panels are guaranteed with a material and workmanship warranty for Life as long as the original owner has them.While Travel N Corrals are constructed with strength in mind, they are intended for use with…
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Now is Time to Shore Up Your Fencing

Now is Time to Shore Up Your Fencing

Now is the Time to Shore-Up Your Fencing  by Cameo Fencing Spring has sprung…it’s the perfect time to shore-up your existing horse fencing! Wherever you live, the milder weather and persistently-longer days mean it’s time to maintain your horse fence, no matter how low-maintenance your system. Why Spring is Fencing Season What makes spring such a great time to shore-up your fence? If you live in a cold climate, hopefully the subsoil has started to thaw. Spring’s relatively wet weather makes for easy post installation, particularly before foliage grows all the way in. Your horses are also likely becoming more…
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Low Dust Bedding has Your Horse Breathing Easy

Low Dust Bedding has Your Horse Breathing Easy

Using an exclusive manufacturing process, Guardian Horse Bedding™ has created what may be the industry's most consistent, lowest dust Bedding Product on the market today that also lasts longer under hoof with greater absorbency. "The Equine respiratory system is very sensitive to airborne particles in certain size ranges," said company spokesman Claire Bryant.  "Our bedding is manufactured with the equine respiratory system in mind.  We use our products everyday in our own equine facilities and we control the quality of the product." Bryant also explained that the type of wood used is also quite important.  "Many hardwoods are toxic to…
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Got MUD Problems?  Consider it SOLVED!

Got MUD Problems? Consider it SOLVED!

  Equine Mud Control ! Is it still raining where you are?  It will, and along with it the heavy mud and standing muck that seems to follow our equestrian friends around.   It's a big problem all over the country, but being from the Great Northwest, NW Gridworks took mud seriously and developed "Eco GreenGrid" a Mud Control Solution that's easy to install, durable and it really works!         Based on a tough, durable, interlocking grid mat system, Eco GreenGrid provides ground and turf protection in Paddocks, Stalls, Riding Arenas, anywhere that you need drainage!    …
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HIT-DRAINGRID – Mud-free Arena Base Construction

HIT-DRAINGRID – Mud-free Arena Base Construction

 – Mud-free Arena Base Construction HIT DrainGrids are specially developed and manufactured for the Equestrian Industry and provide a level and dry arena base in extreme wet conditions and heavy horse traffic areas.  The HIT DrainGrid is an interlocking system of grids made of heavy duty yet elastic Polyethylene. The unique design of the individual cells of the DrainGrids allow for transversal drainage, meaning water is being drained vertically and horizontally away from the surface. Performance Creates all-weather riding arenas and mud-free horse paddocks Keeping the paddock surface dry with adequate drainage Minimizes contaminated runoff, preserving the soil and water resources Prevents hoof disease…
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Your Horse may need Equine Probiotics

Your Horse may need Equine Probiotics

Jackpot Equine Probiotics Sponsored by Bio S.I. Technologies, LLC  -- learn more here Keeping livestock healthy is essential for any livestock operation and it's now generally accepted that probiotics have a place in this quest for equine health.  The digestive tract of your horse is critical to his health and also to weight gain.   So any means of speeding the recovery of the digestive tract after shipping, worming,  anti-biotic usage, or any stressful activity only helps the bottom line, quality of production, and the environment for the animals.     Jackpot Livestock Probiotics brings beneficial, soil-borne microbes (bacteria) found in…
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Give your Horse Barn An Elegant, Functional Makeover…

Give your Horse Barn An Elegant, Functional Makeover…

Give your Horse Barn An Elegant, Functional Makeover... Let Rockin J Equine show you the way! Family owned since the early 80s, Rockin J Horse stalls has been taking Equestrians with awesome Barn Interior ideas, just like you, from concept to reality.  They've delivered some of the best looking, safe and functional, customized barn interiors in the industry, all based on solid pre-galvanized steel. This welded construction means there are no bolts to get hung up on -  providing a safer environment for you and your horse. And, door tracks and guides are welded on, producing Rockin J Equine's signature "easy rolling"…
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Use The Healing Power of Sunlight – in Your Barn!

Use The Healing Power of Sunlight – in Your Barn!

Use the Healing Power of Sunlight Ah yes, sunlight!   It’s warm, soothing and feels so good -and the healing and healthful effects of sunlight are well known.   Now you can use the Power of Sunlight in Your Indoor barn. Introducing the Warendorf Horse Solarium, the most powerful therapeutic horse solariums on the market! Powered by special infrared bulb heaters, the Warendorf Horse Solarium provides a pleasant warming effect that improves blood circulations in the muscles and helps to relax tense muscles.  The solarium promotes overall health and performance; strengthens vital functions and the immune system – the effect is similar…
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SleekEZ – the Best Horse Grooming Tool Ever!

SleekEZ – the Best Horse Grooming Tool Ever!

Horse Grooming - No matter what time of year it is,  when you've got cats, dogs, horses, saddle pads – they all have one thing in common – HAIR!    So, when someone handed me a new grooming tool and then claimed to have the final solution to the shedding problem, I decided it was time to check it out.   At first, I found the new to be awkward, stiff, maybe even too big.  I was skeptical.  It did however, feel pretty good in my hand - solid, ergonomic, and yet so simple.  Would it really work? I had also…
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Equine Fencing, affordable, safe & durable

Equine Fencing, affordable, safe & durable

Here at we stay on top of all the latest technologies, innovations and improvements to all kinds of equine products and services.  In this report, we've rounded up a unique fencing solution we think you should know about with a company that delivers quality barn interiors that we know you'll love. First, how about that fence line.  It has to be affordable, good looking, safe, durable, and most off all, it has to keep your livestock "in".   There are many fine equine fencing options on the market today, from electric to vinyl and back to good old wood.   CAMEO Fencing took…
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What you feed your horse is important

What you feed your horse is important

Non GMO Flax Seed Horse Feed:   What you feed your horse is important - and when looking for the most nutritious horse feed, one has to seriously consider the source.  One company in North Dakota has created a one-of-a-kind cold milling process for their flax seed equine feed, that keeps all nutrients intact.  They don't crush, grind or separate flax oil from the seed creating the best quality cold milled flax on the market today. Give Cold Milled Flax Seed Horse Feed a try! Omega Rich, GMO Free, never exposed to any heat! Visit ND Flax Milling and place…
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