Silly Horse Stories

Silly Horse Stories

I was so excited. I had found a beautiful, 6yr Appendix Quarter Horse for sale on the coast for just $300! (1988) I wanted a larger horse to start dressage training (on a low budget) and this was it. The owner called him "The Bay". Ooh, I liked that name. I thought about it all week. When I arrived at the owner's stable I was trailered up with $300 in hand. A big cowboy stepped out of the house and when I asked to see the horse, he pointed up the hill. "Well, he's up on in the big pasture.…
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American Horse Talk “Live” Video Horse Blog

American Horse Talk “Live” Video Horse Blog

Welcome to American Horse Talk! Our goal is to connect people who love our country and have a connection to horses with businesses, stories and other websites who have these things in common. It all started with Alabama Horse Talk, then grew into Southern Horse Talk, (which is still alive and well, please visit) and now we are very excited to present AMERICAN HORSE TALK. 
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