“Great Riders Deserve Great Saddles” – Custom Reining, Cowhorse, Cutting, Ranch, Trail, Show, Barrel. “My experience showing horses taught me that the closest and safest position on a horse was at the withers. This position allows you to move with the horse even when the horse decides to do a 180 degree turn,” says Bob. “Knowing that position is essential to performance. I have designed each of our saddles to place you close to the pocket created by the horse’s shoulders and withers. The ground seat in our saddles puts you, when fit without a saddle pad, close to the horse’s back. Our fenders are designed to hang directly beneath you and allows you to sit up directly over your feet and maintain your balance even when you stand up in your stirrups or sit straight down. Any other design would tip your torso, thus changing the position of your thigh and preventing you from having the maximum ability to swing your legs forward or back,” he continues.