Business Categories: Health & Nutrition and Innovative NEW Horse Products
Bioresonance Science Trusted Around the World!
At 5Strands, we utilize bioresonance testing to provide you with bio-individual results! Our affordable intolerance testing kits will identify temporary intolerances, imbalances, and sensitivities. Your results provide a guideline to better dietary and lifestyle decisions. These results will not diagnose you but rather empower you with educational information to take back control of your health. 5Strands testing results should not be compared to traditional blood or saliva allergy test results. Bio-Resonance technology is a safe, non-invasive, form of assessment for energetic alignments in the human body. All particles of matter share the characteristics of both waves and particles and emit electromagnetic waves. Each person, microbe, food substance, or toxin has its own unique wavelength or frequency with individual characteristics. This includes all the cells in the body as well as substances such as pollens, toxins, viruses, bacteria, food, etc. Together, these micro-organisms make up your gut’s microbiome. Our intolerance testing kits provide in-depth guidelines to help you avoid or eliminate any dietary or environmental intolerances. How Our Testing Works →A Road Map To Better Health
↠ Learn how the body is responding to current dietary & lifestyle decisions. Take back control of your health & wellness with 5Strands. ↠ Providing personalized results because there is NO one size fits all solution when it comes to taking care of health. ↠ Testing results provided in 7-10 days *after samples arrivalWe noticed your interest in Intolerance testing…5Strands kits provide an instant elimination guideline (60-90 days) for both you and your pet.
The kits work for ALL Ages.
Results in just 7 days.
- 595 Old Norcross Rd, Suite D
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